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bVNC: Secure VNC Viewer





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異



聯絡地址:260 Scarlett Road York, ON M6N 4X6

bVNC: Secure VNC Viewer(圖1)-速報App

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See below for instructions for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

If you need an RDP application, please search for aRDP in Google Play. In addition, a SPICE client named aSPICE is available. Finally, if you are an oVirt, RHEV, or Proxmox user, check out Opaque.

bVNC is a secure, open source VNC client. Its features include:

- Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD, or any other OS with a VNC server installed

- Master password support in the Pro version

bVNC: Secure VNC Viewer(圖2)-速報App

- Multi-factor (two-factor) SSH authentication in the Pro version

- Multi-touch control over the remote mouse. One finger tap left-clicks, two-finger tap right-clicks, and three-finger tap middle-clicks

- Right and middle-dragging if you don't lift the first finger that tapped

- Scrolling with a two-finger drag

- Pinch-zoom

- Force Landscape, Immersive Mode, Keep Screen Awake

- Dynamic resolution changes, allowing you to reconfigure your desktop while connected, and control over virtual machines from BIOS to OS

- Full rotation - use the central lock rotation on your device to disable rotation

bVNC: Secure VNC Viewer(圖3)-速報App

- Multi-language

- Full mouse support

- Full desktop visibility even with soft keyboard extended

- SSH tunneling, AnonTLS and VeNCrypt for secure connections (does not support RealVNC encryption).

- High-grade encryption superior to RDP using SSH and VeNCrypt (x509 certificates and SSL), preventing man-in-the-middle attacks

- AutoX session discovery/creation like NX client

- Tight and CopyRect encodings for quick updates

- Ability to reduce the color depth over slow links

bVNC: Secure VNC Viewer(圖4)-速報App

- Copy/paste integration

- Samsung multi-window

- SSH public/private (pubkey)

- Importing encrypted/unencrypted RSA keys in PEM format

- Zoomable, Fit to Screen, and One to One scaling modes

- Two Direct, one Simulated Touchpad, and one Single-handed input modes

- In single-handed input mode, long-tap to get a choice of clicks, drag modes, scroll, and zoom

- Supports most VNC servers including TightVNC, UltraVNC, TigerVNC, and RealVNC

bVNC: Secure VNC Viewer(圖5)-速報App

- Supports Mac OS X built-in remote desktop server (ARD) and Mac OS X authentication

- Does NOT support RealVNC encryption (use VNC over SSH or VeNCrypt instead)

- Stowable on-screen keys

- Right-click with Back button

- D-pad for arrows, rotate D-pad

- Hardware/FlexT9 keyboard support

- View-only mode

- On-device help on creating a new connection in the Menu when setting up connections

bVNC: Secure VNC Viewer(圖6)-速報App

- On-device help on available input modes in the Menu when connected

- Hacker's Keyboard is recommended

- Instructions for Windows:

Plain VNC:


Secure VNC over VeNCrypt:


Secure VNC over SSH:

bVNC: Secure VNC Viewer(圖7)-速報App


- Instructions for Linux:

WARNING: AnonTLS is not supported on Android 6, so to use Vino, the built-in VNC server for GNOME you have to disable Vino encryption requirement with "gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false" or use AutoX (see below)

Plain VNC (Remote Desktop on Ubuntu):


AutoX Secure VNC over SSH:


- Instructions for Mac OS X:

bVNC: Secure VNC Viewer(圖8)-速報App

Plain VNC (Remote Desktop for Mac OS X):


Secure VNC over SSH:


GPL source code here:


bVNC: Secure VNC Viewer(圖9)-速報App